
Driving Towards Perfection

I am an impatient driver. Most of my commutes tend to be full of snarky comments directed towards other drivers who are driving too slow, sitting too long at green lights, or cutting me off. Sadly, now my kids are picking up on my snark and making comments themselves (this is where I would insert an emoji of a woman smacking her head). Whenever I hear my words out of my kids’ mouths, I cringe. I then tell them they need to learn to be patient and loving towards the other driver and to not do what I do. I don’t like this part of me, particularly since I’m feeling more convicted about it.

To begin with, I’m not setting a good example for my kids to follow. I’m teaching them it is okay to be rude and unkind towards others, even if they never meet that person. I’m quick to tell them “Don’t do what I do,” but let’s face it, children learn from our actions and reactions rather than what we tell them to do.

Another reason why I’m feeling convicted about it is because I’m not loving the other person as Jesus loved me. Yes, they may have cut me off in traffic, but maybe I was in their blind spot. Yes, the driver is taking too long to go once the light turns green but maybe that person has a slow reaction time. Even if the drivers are just bad drivers, I still need to react in love, particularly since I am far from being a perfect driver myself.

Jesus says in John 15:12 says “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” (ESV) Loving others the way Jesus loved us is obeying what He has commanded us to do. He also says earlier in verse 10, “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love…” So not only are we obeying Him when we love others, we are abiding in Him and His love.

One day I will react with love rather than anger, patience rather than impatience, and mercy rather than sarcasm. I know this is how I would like to be treated on those days where I am less than perfect (which is everyday).

What about you? What are some areas in your life you feel you need to work on? Feel free to share in the Comments section.