
Faith, Not Fear

I admit, it has taken me a few months to get this blog up and running. It’s not because it was too difficult (though I’m still learning the technical grammar), but because I had to overcome my fear.

What fear? Well, first, my fear of not having anything of value to write. Who am I to think others would be interested in reading what I have to write. But then I look at things I’ve been through in my life – the good and the difficult – and realize someone may be going through the same thing or feel alone in their journey and need encouragement. I know I’m one to be encouraged by reading or listening to other’s experiences. I’ve always believed we are meant to share our stories in order to help or encourage others on their journey. But sharing my stories requires me to be vulnerable, which leads me to my other fear.

I am a private person and one who guards her emotions. I openly share my feelings with my husband and close friends. Being vulnerable though requires me to be honest and open about my life, which includes sharing painful experiences with the world.

After a couple of months of wrestling back and forth, I realized I needed to trust the Lord and His plans for my life. He was calling me out of my comfort zone, which is something He does quite frequently. When I look back at the times I have responded to His calling, I see growth in my relationship with the Lord. I also see many blessings. And, it’s not like I don’t want to share. I do. Just the good, happy things. But, my passion is to encourage others in their walk with the Lord. In order to authentically help others though, I need to be authentic and vulnerable myself.

So, here I am, penning my first official blog post for my new site. I truly desire for you to find encouragement and hope for whatever fear you may be facing. Don’t let fear win. Remember, “…perfect love casts out fear.” (1 John 4:18 ESV)