
Memorize, Memorize, Memorize

As a child, I memorized numerous Bible verses. Not necessarily because I wanted to, but because I had to, whether it was for homework or a Bible study. What I’ve noticed though, all these years later, is that when I’m dealing with one of life’s various trials, or when I’m praying, or when I’m speaking with a friend, one of these verses from childhood resurfaces back to my memory. Decades may have passed since I read the verse or even thought about it, but there it is, fresh in my mind as if I read the verse yesterday. This is why I’ve challenged myself to memorize even more Scriptures.

His Word is the Living Word, “…sharper than any two-edged sword…discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12, ESV). As His Word roots itself in my soul and in my heart, it replaces any worldly junk that may be stored within there from living a complacent life. As I abide in His word, I will produce His fruit, not the fruit of the world (I highly recommend reading John 15). His Word also renews my mind as it replaces thoughts that are not excellent or praiseworthy. It also helps me discern what His will is as I filter thoughts and ideas through His Word (See Romans 12:1-2).

His Word is also the Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). How are we to defeat our spiritual enemy if we do not know the Word of God? During Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness, the devil tempted Jesus. First, he wanted Jesus to turn stones to loaves of bread, then he wanted Jesus to throw himself off the pinnacle of the temple, saying God would save Him, and finally, he promised Jesus all the kingdoms in the world if He would worship Satan. Obviously, Jesus didn’t fall for any of the temptations. He used Scripture to battle and defeat his enemy. But here’s what I want you to note because it is crucial: the enemy used Scripture as well to tempt Jesus. Look at Matthew 4:5-6:

“Then the devil took him to the holy city and set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written, ‘He will command his angels concerning you,’ and ‘On their hands they will bear you up, lest your strike your foot against a stone.” “

The devil not only had one verse, but two verses to use to tempt Jesus. How are we going to overcome the enemy and declare victory if he knows the Word of God better than we do? We must study and memorize the Word of God in order to resist any temptation that may come our way.

Memorizing the Word of God can also affect your prayer life. I know it has for mine. In Timothy Keller’s book Prayer, he suggests memorizing scripture as a form of meditation (pg. 157). He also wrote “Nonetheless, if prayer is to be a true conversation with God, it must be regularly preceded by listening to God’s voice through meditation on the Scripture,” (pg. 145). The Holy Scriptures are God’s words to us, His children. His word is full of instruction on how to live a faithful and fruitful life. It’s also full of stories illustrating His mercy, grace, and love for us. His promises are woven throughout His holy text. How can we claim His promises for us if we don’t know His word?

My challenge to you is to begin memorizing Scripture. Pray and ask the Lord to show you what verse to start with. As you memorize these verses, ask yourself what you can learn about the Lord from them, what you can learn from them, and how to apply them to your life. Scripture memorization is an important discipline of our faith because it is planting the Living Word of God into our souls, ready to be recalled by the Holy Spirit when needed, like when we’re praying for discernment of the Lord’s will or when battling our spiritual enemy. My faith has grown significantly deeper since I started this journey, and I see how He is transforming me from the inside out. My prayer for you is that you experience the same.


One Comment

  • Brian Demers

    Even in the beginning the devil would twist God’s word to mislead. Gen 3:4-5 – 4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
    Without the sword of the spirit, we may fall prey.

    Good message Joanna, and I am not bias! xoxo