
Simplifying the Juggling Act

I have enjoyed my summer too much. Time with family and friends, time for creative projects (like this blog), time for reading and so on. I have enjoyed every bit of it, which may be why I’m dreading summer ending.

I’ve been asked several times within the past few days if I’m ready for school to start next week. My reply: not really. It’s not that I’m not looking forward to starting class – I am. I have a new class this year and I’m looking forward to getting to know them and their families better this year.

My hesitation stems from what this time of year represents. It’s the time of year where everything begins again – school, extracurricular activities, church programs, and so on. This past week, I’ve felt the tension of a busy schedule increase as I add new activities to my calendar.  The hectic juggling act is about to begin again.

I’m not complaining. Truly, I’m not. I believe though, there is a better way and this is what I’m asking the Lord to show me, to give me wisdom to discern what He is calling me to do and what I feel like I have to do. There are things I’m sure He has called me to do and which I’m passionate about, like tutoring my son’s class. Other activities, not so much. It’s easy for me to pack my schedule with activities I feel I should do. And though these activities may be the “right thing,” they may not be the right thing for me to do at this particular time. As Solomon so wisely wrote “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV)

I discussed my concerns with my husband and he told me he felt like I was saying “yes” to everything again, and as a result, the things I truly desire to do have been dropped. I admit, I’m a “yes” person because I don’t like to disappoint others. I’ve dealt with this issue before and even learned to say “no” to things, but apparently, as the old adage goes, old habits die hard and this one sprung back to life into my routine. I foolishly believed I could manage and balance it, but apparently I was wrong.

I also admit I can manage my time better, which is something I’m working on improving. Just by looking at the “personalized” ads on my Facebook timeline and other sites, you would know I’ve been searching daily planners with hourly formats. I have a calendar complete with a daily spread, but it doesn’t work for me right now. As I’m learning to be more productive, yet restful, with my time, I need to be more specific with my planning (such as planning my activities and to-do list by the hour).

So, this is my plan of action to simplify the hectic juggling act – eliminate the unnecessary activities, stop saying “yes” to everything, and manage my time better. I want this time in my life to be enjoyable and life-enriching, not something I dread or rush through.

What about you? Do you have a hectic juggling act as well? Or, have you managed your schedule well? If so, what tips do you have to avoid the over-packed schedule? Share your thoughts in the Comments section below.


  • Maggie

    I’m going through this myself. I am having to say no to some really really good things in my life. But I know myself, I have to have margin in my life. So I will say no! I miss you! I’m going to do the women’s study on my side of town this fall😄

    • admin

      Hi Maggie! It’s hard to say “no!” when you have really good things going on in life, but you’re right, you have to have margin. I miss you as well and I hope you enjoy your study!