• Faith

    My Faith – His Story

    Shortly after my birth, my parents became Christians. As I’ve written here before, my mom played a pivotal role in shaping my faith. She taught me about God, Jesus, sin, redemption, and love. Though we weren’t regular church attenders as I grew up, there was still a focus on God that centered on following Him and His ways. At some point, though, my parents’ faith had to become mine. I had to “work out my salvation” and make the choice myself to either follow Him or disregard everything I was taught and follow the ways of this world. I reached this crossroad when I was 19. I had just completed…

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  • Grief

    And Mightily, He Did Appear

    As I scrolled through the comments on my Facebook memory from four years ago, I was reminded of the desperate, overwhelming feeling I had as I clung to the prayers offered by my friends. My original post asked for prayers for my mom. She had been in the hospital for at least a week, and her prognosis was not good. In fact, it seemed hopeless as we were running out of treatment options. She passed away the next day. One comment caught my attention. A precious friend prayed for the Lord to “show up mightily.” I’m sure when I first read the comment four years ago, I envisioned a miraculous…

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