• Faith

    My Spiritual Mentor

    Last night, I attended a meeting discussing women in church leadership. One of the topics discussed by the panel was “Who was your spiritual mentor?” Of course, for me, my answer would have been my mom. She provided a beautiful example of living in Christ during my formative years. I remember sitting on my mom’s lap at the age of six, asking Jesus to come into my heart. She had tried to discuss Jesus with me a year or so earlier, but all I remember of that exchange is of me asking her where God came from and if He had a mom. Her answers only led to more questions…

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  • Books

    What I’m Reading: July

    I greatly enjoy reading. I also enjoy hearing recommendations from my friends as they share their favorites. It’s been an enriching experience. In this new series, I will post my recommendations for books. I hope you enjoy! I read these three books within the last year or two. Since this is my first post in this series, I wanted to share them with you because they have greatly impacted my life. Prayer by Timothy Keller: This book has greatly improved my prayer life. It gave me a new perspective as well as reminding me the purpose of prayer. I admit, I had to read the book in small chunks because I…

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