• Abide in Him

    Abide in Him: John 2

    Welcome back! I hope you are enjoying this study and finding it helpful as we dive into the book of John. I know I’ve enjoyed learning more about Jesus through this gospel. I’ve read through this book many times throughout the years and I’m always amazed at how much more I learn with each reading. His word truly is living and active. For this post, we will cover all of chapter two. The Text Jesus’s First Miracle (Verses 1 – 12) Chapter two begins two days after Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael to be His disciples. Jesus, His disciples, and His mom are attending a wedding in Cana. Wedding feasts…

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  • Family

    A Tree on Memory Lane

    I recently finished reading the book The God of the Garden by Andrew Peterson. If you’re looking for a book that will make you rethink the world you live in and remind you of the wonders of God, I highly recommend reading this book. This is one of those rare books where I wanted more when I came to the end. I finished the book a few weeks ago, and I’m still thinking about it. It’s that good. His book is more of a memoir that focuses on trees and how they hold a place in many of his memories. It reminds the reader that when God created earth and…

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  • Faith

    Just Be

    I recently read a letter C.S. Lewis wrote to a woman answering her question of why God wants us. In the brief letter, he explained God didn’t want us “for anything,” but rather He just wanted us. As I read those few, brief words, excitement and conviction filled my soul. Excitement, because they reminded me of God’s love for us. Yes, God may have a purpose for our lives, but He didn’t redeem us for what we can do for Him. He redeemed us out of His pure mercy, grace, and love. He knew there was no way anyone could live a perfect life, so He sent His Son, Jesus…

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  • Faith

    My Spiritual Mentor

    Last night, I attended a meeting discussing women in church leadership. One of the topics discussed by the panel was “Who was your spiritual mentor?” Of course, for me, my answer would have been my mom. She provided a beautiful example of living in Christ during my formative years. I remember sitting on my mom’s lap at the age of six, asking Jesus to come into my heart. She had tried to discuss Jesus with me a year or so earlier, but all I remember of that exchange is of me asking her where God came from and if He had a mom. Her answers only led to more questions…

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  • Delight

    Take Delight

    At the beginning of each year, I pray about a word to focus on throughout the year. Have you ever done this? This year, I have two (because I apparently need all the help I can get): wisdom and delight. Today, I will focus on delight. “Delight yourself in the LORD…” Psalm 37:4 (ESV) Ask either one of my kids and they will tell you how much I love sunsets. I enjoy them because they are different every night. When I watch the setting sun, I am reminded of how creative and artistic our Heavenly Father is. Some evenings, the sun sets in a brilliant blaze of oranges, yellows, reds…

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