
Take Delight

At the beginning of each year, I pray about a word to focus on throughout the year. Have you ever done this? This year, I have two (because I apparently need all the help I can get): wisdom and delight. Today, I will focus on delight.

“Delight yourself in the LORD…” Psalm 37:4 (ESV)

Ask either one of my kids and they will tell you how much I love sunsets. I enjoy them because they are different every night. When I watch the setting sun, I am reminded of how creative and artistic our Heavenly Father is. Some evenings, the sun sets in a brilliant blaze of oranges, yellows, reds and bright pinks. Other times, it seems subdued in shades of lavender, pale yellow, blue, and peach.

I’m of the belief the Lord reveals who He is through His creation. Romans 1:19-20 says “They know the truth about God because He has made it obvious to them. For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities – His eternal divine nature…” (NLT)

Delighting in His creation though, requires me to be observant. How can I delight in something if I’m not paying attention to it? The same is true when delighting in the LORD. How can I delight in Him if I’m not paying attention to Him?

I have to admit, since I have focused on the word “delight,” my quiet times with Him have become more enriching and more enjoyable. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed my quiet time with the LORD before, but it was beginning to feel like I was doing it to check a box on my to-do list. I had allowed my busy schedule to infringe upon my relationship with the LORD. I didn’t like that. I didn’t want my relationship with Him to turn into a check list. Once the relationship turns into a check list, it stops being a relationship and it becomes legalistic. Where’s the joy and delight in that? There is none.

So, how did I take delight in the LORD? First, I reminded myself of all His qualities, of who He is. He is majestic, holy, mighty, noble, excellent, worthy of praise, and magnificent. He is my rescuer and my redeemer. He is patient, kind, good, and faithful. He is love. Then I changed how I prayed to Him. I made it more personal and conversational (as in “Lord, help me grow closer to You). Finally, I began memorizing His word so it stays planted in my heart.

I’m not saying this is the only way of growing closer to the LORD and delighting in Him, but it has helped me renew my passion for Him and grow my relationship with Him. That, and delighting in His creation.

What are some ways you delight in the LORD?


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