
New to the Faith: Now What?

Part 1: Next Steps

So, you’ve recently accepted Jesus as your Savior. Now what?

For a new believer, it may be difficult to know what to do next, particularly when many churches are unable to meet together during this world-wide pandemic. Though some churches are able to offer online classes and information, others aren’t.

If you are a new believer, I want to encourage you as you begin your new journey of faith. This will be a 4-part guide that will hopefully help you dig deeper, draw closer, and cultivate your relationship with Christ. You’re not alone in this journey, as the Holy Spirit is with you and will guide you as you pursue God.

So, what are your next steps?

1. Find a church: The silver lining of churches meeting online is that you can search for a church from the comfort of your living room. Many churches offer online services. Research a few churches in your community and then visit them online to see how the pastor teaches. What kind of teaching are you looking for? Some pastors teach topically, meaning they teach on a topic and then use Scripture to back their teaching. Others use an expository method, meaning they teach the Scriptures, book by book, usually incorporating history and application. Still others use a textual style, meaning they focus on one verse for their point. Though listening to sermons online is one way to find a pastor you like, don’t judge a church solely based on your online experience.

2. Visit a church in person: If churches in your area are open, and you feel comfortable doing so, go visit the church in person. You can tell a lot about a church by its congregation. What are you looking for in a church? Are the members friendly? Is the pastor friendly? Does the pastor make himself available for discussion after the service is over? Does the church offer Bible Studies and classes for growth? Do they offer service opportunities? What about missions? It may seem like quite a bit to think about, but these questions do need to be addressed. The purpose of a church is more than just a weekly meeting place for worship and a sermon. It’s a community where you learn, grow, and find support for your faith.

3. Consider being baptized: Baptism, though not required for salvation, is a public proclamation of faith. It symbolizes our death to sin and resurrection to eternal life. Jesus told His disciples during His Great Commission to “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” (Matthew 28:19, ESV). So, though baptism is not required for salvation, it is an act of obedience to Jesus’ command. For more information about baptism, check out this article from (which is a great place to find answers to many of the questions you may have at this point).

4. Look for classes and Bible studies: If you’ve found a church, consider joining a new believer’s class, a Bible study, or any other class that may meet a particular need. Though some churches are meeting in person, many churches are offering online classes and Bible Studies to meet the needs of their congregation.

As you begin your journey, I want to encourage you to trust in the LORD and know He will guide your steps. Though you may feel a bit overwhelmed or not really knowing what to do next in your journey, I hope this helps you.

Check back soon for part two of this series, which will focus on Bible study: how to select a Bible, the parts of the Bible, and why it’s important to study it.