
Pruning the Heart

If you want a prayer answered quickly, then ask the LORD to show you your heart, that is, to reveal any hidden sins, false beliefs, unbelief, impurity, and so on. He is more than willing to answer that prayer quickly. 

I’ve prayed this prayer a few times in my life, and it’s always answered. In fact, I’m currently experiencing this now. To say this week has been a bit tough spiritually is an understatement. I’ve been shown through various ways how I could love others better, pray for loved ones more, trust in the LORD wholeheartedly, and give generously without fear.

So, why do this? Why pray for God to reveal to me the sinful areas in my life? I know I will never be perfect in this lifetime, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t pursue His holy ways. First Peter 1:15-16 reminds us to be holy in everything we do because God, who called us to Him, is holy.

Also, in John 15:2, Jesus tells us the LORD will prune those who belong to Him. A gardener prunes a plant in order to cut away unfruitful or dead areas. God doesn’t prune us to be cruel, but to encourage our growth so that we will be fruitful in our faith.

As much as it may hurt or cause me grief, I am thankful for the answered prayer and the pruning. It would be easy for me to ignore these sins, but then I would never grow in my faith. I’ve learned it’s easier to ask Him to show me those areas, because then I’m ready to let them go. I have the mindset of wanting to grow in the LORD. 

Second Peter 1:5 tells us to “supplement your faith with virtue and with virtue knowledge,” along with a few other qualities. It then says in verse 8 “For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective and unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Asking the LORD to show you where you can improve and grow is knowing where your heart is. Allowing Him to prune those areas brings you closer to Him and closer to living the holy life He has called all of us to live.