• Faith

    Hide It in Your Heart Before AI Changes It

    As if we don’t have enough reasons to memorize the Word of God, here’s another one: Memorize it before AI alters it. I recently read an article discussing how certain groups are using AI software to rewrite parts of the Bible, to write sermons, and other sacrilege. One example is the animal rights group, PETA, rewriting Genesis to make it “vegan.” One of the changes it includes is Adam and Eve wearing clothing made from hemp, rather than animal skins after their fall in the garden. I know this goes off my original topic of this post, but I need to address some issues regarding changing the Word of God.…

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  • Abide

    Abide in Him: 2 Peter 1:10-11

    Since most of us are staying home for the next couple of weeks, let’s use this time to work on our Scripture memorization. This is our last section of 2 Peter 1 to memorize. Before we begin our study of verses 10-11, let’s recite verses 3-9. Try it first from memory: “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who has called us to His own glory and excellence, by which He has granted to us His precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the…

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  • Abide

    Abide in His Word: Matthew 22:37 – 39

    Welcome to the first “Abide in His Word” post. As mentioned here, I believe it is important for us to memorize the Word of God as it is the Sword of the Spirit. Also, Jesus tells us in John 15 to abide in Him. One way to abide in Him is to have His words abide in us. So, I thought it would be fun if we could memorize the Word of God together. Everything is better when done with others, right? Here’s how it will work: every two weeks, I will post a new verse or group of verses to memorize and give an explanation of the verse(s). Throughout…

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  • Disciplines

    Memorize, Memorize, Memorize

    As a child, I memorized numerous Bible verses. Not necessarily because I wanted to, but because I had to, whether it was for homework or a Bible study. What I’ve noticed though, all these years later, is that when I’m dealing with one of life’s various trials, or when I’m praying, or when I’m speaking with a friend, one of these verses from childhood resurfaces back to my memory. Decades may have passed since I read the verse or even thought about it, but there it is, fresh in my mind as if I read the verse yesterday. This is why I’ve challenged myself to memorize even more Scriptures. His…