• Faith

    The Choice is Yours

    “If you walk in my statutes and observe my commandments and do them…I will walk among you and will be your God, and you shall be my people.” Leviticus 26:3,12 Though some may think Leviticus is a book full of do’s and don’ts, it actually reflects the fatherly love the Lord has for His children. Like the Good Father He is, the LORD explains to the Israelites in chapter 26 the consequences of obedience and disobedience and tells them the choice is theirs to make. For their obedience, the Lord will provide many blessings, including peace and security in the land. Most importantly though, the LORD will make His dwelling…

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  • Faith

    Shine His Light in This Dark World

    What a crazy 12 months it has been. I have quite a bit on my mind, so this post may zig and zag, but I do have a point. This past year has brought fear, anger, bitterness, and even more division to our country, and sadly, I believe, the church as well. We as Christians have lost our focus. I’m including myself in this and I’m also addressing all Christ-followers – progressive, conservative, Protestant, Catholic, evangelical, and non-denominational. I know it’s easy to lose focus as we are pulled here and there in our daily lives. But, we also seem to have lost our purpose as well. This world demands…

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  • Sanctification

    Driving Towards Perfection

    I am an impatient driver. Most of my commutes tend to be full of snarky comments directed towards other drivers who are driving too slow, sitting too long at green lights, or cutting me off. Sadly, now my kids are picking up on my snark and making comments themselves (this is where I would insert an emoji of a woman smacking her head). Whenever I hear my words out of my kids’ mouths, I cringe. I then tell them they need to learn to be patient and loving towards the other driver and to not do what I do. I don’t like this part of me, particularly since I’m feeling…

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