• Faith

    Jesus and Sinners

    Recently, I’ve heard several people comment through various sources (interviews and articles) on how Jesus kept company with sinners, in particular the more “troublesome” sinners, such as prostitutes and thieves. The context of these interviews was to slam conservative Christians. I rarely write about politics on this blog, so this post is not about the slam towards Christians. I will talk about Jesus, however. It’s true. Jesus did keep company with sinners. He traveled with them. He ate dinner with them. He dwelt among them. Considering we’re all sinners, who else would He have kept company with? Once, when confronted by the Pharisees for eating dinner with tax collectors, He…

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  • Faith

    Why We Need Jesus

    We are all born sinners. I don’t care what your race is, what your gender is, what your sexual preference is – we are ALL born sinners (see Romans 3:23). Because of our sinful nature, there was a separation between God and us. In order for the relationship to be restored, a sacrifice had to be made. According to John 3:16, God loved us so much, He sent His Son as THE sacrifice for us. If you believe in Him, you will have eternal life. Jesus not only died for our sins, but He also defeated death, as He was resurrected on the third day. His death and resurrection made…

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